Key points when buying a house or apartment


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019

Purchasing real estate in the Dominican Republic can be very tedious, bureaucratic, and even risky. The newspapers are full of stories of people getting ripped-off by scoundrels selling things that are not theirs to sell or that, in some cases, do not even exist. For this reason, the Association of Housing Builders and Promotors (Acoprovi) has prepared a list of pointers to look out for when buying property here.

First among the recommendations is that a potential buyer should always look for experience, which is to say to ensure you are buying from a company that is solid and with long-standing credibility in the marketplace.

Then comes legality. Is the project or property legally situated? A look at records at the local city government or at the Ministry of Housing (Mived) will serve to locate the bona fides of any project.

Buyers should search the legality of the...

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