Dominican Condoms

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
A Sammy Sosa Condom would be perfect. You can market it to all the Cheaters.

A Hippo Condom wouldn't be too popular. It would just raise your expectations only to let you down.

A Juan Bosch Condom would also be a loser. It would not ever finish.

A Balaguer comdom would be great...It would help you go on forever and keep comming back for more.

Of course a Leonel comdom would have to be purple.


New member
Jul 6, 2003
Tony C said:
A Sammy Sosa Condom would be perfect. You can market it to all the Cheaters.

A Hippo Condom wouldn't be too popular. It would just raise your expectations only to let you down.

A Juan Bosch Condom would also be a loser. It would not ever finish.

A Balaguer comdom would be great...It would help you go on forever and keep comming back for more.

Of course a Leonel comdom would have to be purple.

Lol! That's hysterical! Sosa didn't cheat, he just grabbed the wrong one... Come on! Everyone knows dominicans don't lie *gets banned for sarcam* Just kidding. I'm still a fan of his. He did a lot for our community. He donated money and stuff.


Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
Re: Re: tickled my funny bone too...


I've always wondered if they have any thing to protect you from just STD's and not pregancy. What if you want to get pregant but you don't want to catch a disease? [/B]

The lambskin don't protect from STD's as they are porous but the pores are smaller than sperm cells (but bigger than bacteria and viruses).

You couldn't have it the other way since anything able to pass sperm would be easily large enough for STD pathogens.

Someday an HIV vaccine, but still more conventional infections are a high risk.


Jan 2, 2002
Oh stop it all of you aids freaks. Don't worry so much about AIDS or other STDs, just enjoy sex and be careful. Use the condom properly, if it breaks, tough luck. If you get a STD, give me call, I will tell you what to do about it. 2 pills and you will be brand new again (for the most common diseases). AIDS is not easily contracted, you have a better chance of getting hit by a flying pink elephant then get AIDS from a bimbo. Relax, we know what we are talking about. Learn from the pros.
Oh, I know all you anal retentives will point out to ALL THE STUDIES from the medical journals etc etc. In real life, its not as common. You could have sex for 10 years with prostitutes from the sleaziest whore houses in the world (without condoms) and still come out HIV free. I know many people who have unprotected sex on regular basis with some of the sleaziest girls in the world and still are disease free. So its not that common.
But do use condoms to protect yourself from other diseases like Hapetitis, herpes, warts etc.


Jun 24, 2003

AZB What world do you live in? I am sure you have never met anyone who has HIV? Well I have and they said they thought it would not happen to them as they usually used condoms..USUALLY... You seem to think you are gods gift to women AND now also think you are invincible...Wow..Big news for you and your hooker chasing friends. HIV is in the DR..Look up DR info and it is listed right along with the population, money, capital etc...Also many of the men who chase hookers probably do not bother to get tested..Probably just afraid to know. Maybe one day a vaccine..until then protection..:( PAM

Yeah and just the thought that you offer advice and know how to cure all the STDs..... Maybe you are just too gross for a normal woman..THAT is why you complain all the time about womens faults! LOL :) PAM


Jan 2, 2002
Goatfarmer, seems like you never had any STD so that makes you inexperienced. Please keep your HIV, STD comments to yourself, not everyone lives in a goat farm in south georgia. We all read the same material where you seem to extract your knowledge from.
Go back to the search button and look up the thread on HIV-AIDS. Seems like there are some of us who don't believe HIV causes AIDS. then it seems there isn't any concrete evidence that HIV causes AIDS or if HIV is transfered through straight hetero-sex.
I know, its all news to you but there is life outside of south Georgia. Not all straight guys who have AIDS are 100% straights. Many are closet case gays and drug users.
This augument has been beaten to death 1 million times so I will not care to argue with you.
Have fun with goats.


Jan 2, 2002
AZB I have a serious question for you. Yes I've heard it all on this board.

Question: If a girl has been with a guy that wasn't 100% "straight" in his life and he never bothered to her this and he is HIV positive but doesn't know it,can he pass it on to her? And let's say this imaginary decent girl that maybe only ever had this one closet homosexual guy goes on to another guy, what are the chances of passing the HIV on and on?


Jun 24, 2003
You are gross....AZB..

AZB said:
Goatfarmer, seems like you never had any STD so that makes you inexperienced. Please keep your HIV, STD comments to yourself, not everyone lives in a goat farm in south georgia. Have fun with goats.

AZB..No argument here..I have never had an STD because I do not slut around and especially with prostitutes or unknown people...THat said..Yeah not everyone lives on a goatfarm..I sold all mine to move to the DR..So I do not live on one either..So I should change my name....ANY suggestions AZB???

Read what Anna wrote..THat happened to my Iranian husbands niece in California..Her Bi-Sexual husband (she did not know..) He gave her HIV and she died before he did..SAD that you think you are immune..Or that HIV may not cause AIDs or whatever you said before..
ARE YOU SAYING YOU ARE SEXUALLY EXPERIENCCED BECAUSE YOU CONTRACTED AN STD??? You could have gotten one from the one and only hooker you had..who knows. I have enough experience to know you need protection..Maybe you are still learning AZB..Good luck and I hope your pecker does not fall off..

By the way this thread is about Dominican Condoms..You need them in the DR also :) Pam

Get confused with so much AZB bashing..:) PAM
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Jan 2, 2002
You just don't get it anna. there is no solid evidence that HIV causes AIDS or anything. There is an American MD who injected himself with HIV virus (blood of an HIV positive person) on live Spanish TV (more than 14 years ago). He is still alive and healthy. The problem is when people are diagnosed with HIV positive, they and mentally devastated and then take AZT or other toxic drugs to fight off the disease. The truth is the AZT and other anti-HIV drugs have a side affect: total destruction of your immune system. Guess what AIDS does to the immune system?

If you are HIV positive, I say enjoy the life and live normally. You will live to your maximum live expectancy if you live and practice a healthy life style; no signs of AIDS, ever.
If you are HIV Negative (not positive) and take AZT, you will definitely die from aids.

So lets leave a docile and a boring virus like HIV alone. It doesn't deserve so much attention, much less credit.

Read and learn about AIDS. What it is and what it does to the immune system. AIDs is not a virus but a collection of 25 diseases that mankind has known about for a long time. The truth is that majority of people just don't understand AIDS, they have no clue at all what the nature of this illness is all about.
Please read up on AIDS / HIV before you make a fool out of yourselves in public.

Goatfarmer, Anna and the rest, please read this thread and look at the other side of the coin: hinsch&pagenumber=3

P.S. anna, you had been part of this thread and I am surprised to see that you have learned nothing at all from it.
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Jan 2, 2002
I didn't even mention AIDS.
So you're saying that an HIV postive person can't pass it on ? Is this what you are saying?


Jan 2, 2002
And I just told you, HIV doesn't mean shrimp. If you have it, good for you, if you don't great. HIV doesn't do a thing in your body. We don't even know what it is and what it does. So stop giving HIV so much credit.
Why not worry about more leathal illnesses?
You women just don't get it. Now go back to CNN and see what is going on in the world.


New member
Jul 9, 2003
What happened to my thread!!!!!!!!!!!

At first I just wanted to know if there were any dominican made condoms and if I could get american ones in the DR. Thanks AZB for answering the question. Then I saw that it started to develop into a very funny thread and I was happy about that even thouhg that wasn't my intention at first. Now I see that it developed into an AIDS/HIV thread which has been done to death on this board. PLEASE STOP!!!! Let's get back to coming up with funny Dominicans condoms or if you actually have some real info on what is your favorite condom in the DR please post it. Again this could be a very funny thread or and informative one so don't ruin it.

Thanks Ramon


Jan 2, 2002
Re: You can get them here

Larry (ILoveDR) said:
pack of 3 trojans is 60 pesos. Make sure you wear one down here. The chance of you getting HIV is extremely slim but you could easily contract something else.

There's the only informative non funny non hiv/aids answer for you.

Have fun.


New member
Jul 9, 2003
Thanks for pointing that out!!!!!!! I would have missed it if it wasn't for you diligent search of the thread.


"everyday is a holiday"
Jan 27, 2002
couldn't pay me enough to use a Dominican condom. Bring your own. Doesn't take up much luggage space and you will not be sorry.


Jun 24, 2003
Delete it all you want you are no better...

Anna Coniglio said:
AZB I have a serious question for you. Yes I've heard it all on this board.

Question: If a girl has been with a guy that wasn't 100% "straight" in his life and he never bothered to her this and he is HIV positive but doesn't know it,can he pass it on to her? And let's say this imaginary decent girl that maybe only ever had this one closet homosexual guy goes on to another guy, what are the chances of passing the HIV on and on?

If we are deleted for NON CONDOM should also delete the several posts you put on of NON FUNNY NON INFORMATIVE information...Really you should try to be on an even keel not better than anyone who posts...looks petty..


Jan 2, 2002
I haven't deleted anything in this thread yet. Except yours .
Like MONCHI8 reminded us that if "WE" have no info on condoms and where to buy them then don't post.
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